Stronger Back includes "Small groups" Swimming, Strength and Mobility sessions
and is suitable for people with weak backs, those who experience back pain or back injuries
A lot of people suffer from back problems, either resulting from sports injuries or from our sedentary lifestyle.
Whether you have a desk job or you're constantly moving, you can acquire a lot of bad habits that put your spine & neck in a less than optimal position for hours upon hours per day.
Health isn’t just eating right. Having a correct posture and a strong back is what keeps you balanced. That's why we present you with Stronger Back. It is not your conventional Fitness challenge or program, but rather focuses on the learning aspect, giving you the basic understanding of what to do & what not to do to avoid chronic back pain, while emphasizing core strength, muscle stretching and joint mobility.
Classes are expertly designed by certified coaches and are limited to 6 people only to ensure focus and safety for all participants.
*We have no round scheduled to start soon, check out the rest of our website to get familiarized with all our services!
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